Thursday and Friday 22, 23rd May, 2014
(CEIAS, 190 avenue de France, salle 638-640)
Thursday 22 MAY
Presentation by Marie Fourcade (CEIAS) & Bénédicte Brac de la Perrière (CASE)
Introduction by the organizers Tiziana Leucci (CEIAS), Dana Rappoport (CASE) and Davesh Soneji (McGill University, Montréal)
1. Historical Representation
Chairs : Philippe Bruguière, Cité de la Musique & Hélène Marquié, Université Paris VIII
John Baily (University of London), Women, Music and Censorship in Afghanistan
Joep Bor (University of Leiden), Voluptuous Bayaderes or Dancing Whores? On Praise And Contempt For Courtesans In Early Colonial India
Julien Jugand (Ph. D., University of Paris X, Nanterre), Grace and Disgrace: Changing Patronage and Self-Representations of the Courtesans of Banaras in the 20th century
Tiziana Leucci (CNRS, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud, Paris), Censorship and Resistance of the South Indian Courtesans: Silenced Voices and Forgotten Struggles. Bangalore Nagaratnamma’s Combats (1910-1952)
Chair : Stéphanie Tawa Lama-Rewal, CNRS, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud, Paris
Philip Yampolsky (University of Illinois), The Ubiquity And Persistence Of Erotic Dance In Indonesia
Catherine Basset (Centre Asie du Sud-Est), Figures of the “bayadère” (public singer/dancer/lover) and of the “femme savante” (literate woman) on the Javanese and Javano-Balinese stage: a tantric point of view.
Lucie Labbé (Ph. D Student, Centre Asie du Sud-Est, Paris), Keeping Khmer Court Dance Alive Through The Vicissitude Of Cambodia’s Recent History (From 1953 To Present Day)
The voice of the performer : Savay Meas, (Cambodia), Court Dancer
Friday 23 MAY
2. Censorship, Moral Order, Religious Morality
Chair : Catherine Servan-Schreiber, Centre d’Études de l’Inde et d’Asie du Sud, Paris
Intan Paramaditha (University of New York), Obsession for the Visible: The Politics of Vilified Bodies and Religious Morality in Indonesia
Dana Rappoport (Centre Asie du Sud-Est, Paris), «Tell Me Yes!»: Music And Censorship in The Toraja Highlands (Sulawesi, Indonesia)
Renaud Redien-Collot (Novancia Business School, Paris), Women Social Representation and Social Control
3. Resistance and Marginality
Chair : François Picard, Université Paris IV
Marie Lecomte-Tilouine (Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale, Paris), Women’s Cultural Struggle and Artivism in Nepal
Anna Morcom (Royal Holloway, University of London), India’s Marginalised Erotic Performers in the 20th and 21st Centuries: Strategies Of Survival
Davesh Soneji (McGill University, Montréal), Stigma, Resistance, Resilience: Dance and Subterfuges of “Reform” among Women from Devadasi Communities in Globalized South India
The voice of the performer : Yashoda Thakore (Hyderabad University, India), dancer and scholar
Round Table
Final discussion with all the speakers, performers and audience + Cocktail
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Bertrand Lefebvre (March 25, 2014). CEIAS – Censorship and women’s resistance – 22-23/05/14. AJEI - Association Jeunes Études Indiennes. Retrieved September 19, 2024 from https://doi.org/10.58079/axhl