CFP 21st edition of the International Workshop of the AJEI

We are proud to announce that the 21st AJEI International Workshops will be held from
23rd to 25th of April in New Delhi

Venue : Centre des Sciences Humaines, Delhi

2, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Road, New Delhi 110011 India

Of mediation and power : Intermediaries in the South Asian societies

Organized by Antoine Briand and Arnaud Kaba

(See the attached CFP – we’re waiting for your contribution !)

Proposals of contributions (max :  500 words) shall be sent by March, the 1st, 2019 The papers (max : 40 000 signs) will be due by March, the 25th.

To contact the organizers :

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ajei (February 22, 2019). CFP 21st edition of the International Workshop of the AJEI. AJEI - Association Jeunes Études Indiennes. Retrieved February 17, 2025 from