All posts by ajei

AJEI Webinars (2022) : « India Matters »

Organiser : Johan Krieg (LESC), Khaliq Parkar (CESSMA) and Victor Alembik (Unimi)

📑​ Download the program “India Matters 2022-2023

12/01/2022 :Understanding Caste among Muslims: Classic Debates and New Scholarly Developments” by Julien Levesque (Ashoka University)Summary : From colonial census administrators to social scientists, scholars have debated whether Muslims in the subcontinent can be said to have castes. In recent decades, the discussion also entered the political arena over the issue of reservations in India. This presentation will first sum up the key historical moments of the scholarly debates on Muslim caste since colonial times. Julien Levesque will then turn to more contemporary scholarship to highlight its contribution and the avenues it opens for further research.

08/02/2022 :
Trails of an Indian Community in Padova: Chasing the invisible migration of Indian students (re)shaping spaces in this Italian medium city” by Daphné Reguiessé (PhD, Iuav University of Venice) ; discutant : Andrea Drocco (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice).
Summary: Chasing the invisible migration of Indian students (re)shaping spaces in this Italian medium city». The purpose of this presentation is to show the link between migration and urban transformation in terms of urban policies and social practices within a specific local territory: the city of Padova (North East Italy). Daphné Reguiessé will particularly focus on the question of Indian students-migrants in Padova through different angles -generally difficult to tie- while keeping a strong sociological base.

08/03/2022 :Mediated Ecologies of Feeling” by Vibhushan Subba  (Independent Researcher ) ; discutant : Wafa Amid (Lady Shri Ram College For Women–Delhi University).
Summary : Media technologies have increasingly become the connective tissue that shape and structure our everyday lives, rhythms, experiences and memories. From love to death; compassion to fear, hate and anxiety; through the intersection of the public and the private, the historical and the lyrical it organizes our bodies, emotions and objects. This talk navigates the digital landscape of micro archives and online communities of the Darjeeling and Kalimpong Hills in India to offer vignettes of the emotional landscape of a people caught in the eddy of multiple histories, legacies of colonialism and uncertainties of belonging. Tracing these local digital interventions, the talk engages with the questions of home, belonging, identity, digital memories and alternative histories from the Darjeeling Himalayas.

12/04/2022 : “Environment and Security in India” by Damien Carrière (École Supérieure des Professions Immobilières-ESPI) ; discutant : Edna Peza (CESSMA-Université Paris Cité).
Summary : Damien Carrière will examine security as an infra-structuring process comprising of material elements, discursive techniques, norms and regulations that create orders over the rhythms of the city. These infrastructures form a networked grid that filters the dense temporality and rhythms of people across spaces while maintaining and synchronizing the metabolic functioning of the city (Tripathy and Carriere, 2020).This order is more or less functional, decentralized at different scales, disjointed and heterogeneous, it is neither harmonized nor centralized. Security cameras may not be connected, and the surveillance monitor is most often just playing in an empty room. Drawing on Lefebvre, we employ rhythmanalysis to explain how security infrastructures mediate, filter and regulate multiple rhythms in the city.

07/06/2022 :  “The use of social networks in rural South India” by Cécile Mouchel (Centre d’Etude des Mondes Africains, Asiatiques et Américains-Université Paris Cité)  ; discutant : Frédéric Landy (Université de Paris-Nanterre – UMR LAVUE-Mosaiques).
Summary : How have rural populations in India mobilised their social networks in times of forced “social distancing”? Focusing on a rural region in Tamil Nadu, mixing Social Network Analysis (SNA), descriptive statistics and qualitative interviews conducted before the lockdown, during the lockdown and its aftermath, this presentation shows that kinship ties and caste-based relationships are still used as inescapable economic resources, especially when it comes to survive in this unprecedented worldwide economic and social crisis. The region under study has undergone profound changes in recent decades, combining the disappearance of agrarian forms of dependency and the strengthening of intra-caste interdependence among the lower caste group with a focus on access to credit and self-help to access employment. The crisis put these social networks to the test. Subsidised food, the main pro poor measure of the Indian government, prevented famine, even if it did not prevent severe malnutrition. Although kin and caste solidarity played a key role in helping households to survive, they did not prevent the resurgence of old forms of patronage. 

AJEI Seminar (2023) : « India Matters in Comparative Perspective : Politicization of Space »

Organiser : Johan Krieg (LESC) and Khaliq Parkar (CESSMA)

L’Association Jeunes Études Indiennes organise un séminaire en mode hybride intitulé « India Matters in Comparative Perspective : Politicization of Space ». En croisant approches historiques, anthropologiques, géographiques et politiques, ce séminaire s’emploiera à interroger les relations dialectiques entre espace (lieux et milieux géographiques), société (individus et groupes) et politique en Inde. Cette thématique sera traitée au cours de plusieurs séances organisées à l’Université d’Aix-Marseille, Maison de la recherche (salle 2.44).

21/10/2022 : “From the ‘Attila of the jungle’ to the ‘big cat’ of the Zoo : a study of a century of representations and reactions around Bengal tigers (North India and South-West Nepal)” by Nolwen Vouillier (EHESS-Uliège) ; discutant : Philippe Ramirez (Centre d’études himalayennes – IrAsia).

Summary : “If we had no tiger, what could you wrote?”, said Jagat on the 31st of July 2019, during my first three-month field trip to Nepal, during the monsoon season, on the border of Bardiya National Park, in the southwest of the country. This guide, like so many others, is passionate about the famous Panthera tigris tigris and does not hide it. However, seeing the tiger as a force of nature, as a king or as a big brother, is not unanimous. Over the decades and in different places, the Bengal tiger has been subjected to various human representations and has undergone direct (elimination, confinement, rescue, etc.) or indirect (actions on the environment, on its prey, etc.) treatments. I propose to focus this presentation on a part of my research, on this species specifically in its encounters with humans, by going through a century of history and politics where the tiger has gone from being a sought-after prey to a precious heritage to be saved and now, more and more, to a dangerous problem. The surroundings of Bardiya National Park, which have been my field for the past three years, will be my main focus, but I will not omit to base my presentation on the available literature concerning the tiger in the Tarai of Nepal more generally and in Northern India. I will do my best to highlight the ambivalence and opposing points of view among the populations during the major hypothetical phases mentioned above. The challenge is to understand how humans have organized and adapted, individually and collectively, until today, in the face of this impressive “cute killer”.

18/11/2022 : “Women’s commuting strategy and digital adoption. The case study of employees doing desk work in the IT sector in Pune, India” by Pauline Baudens (Lam – UMR 5115).

Summary : This paper investigates the transformation of commuting practices of highly privileged women doing desk work in a multinational in Pune, India. The digital, accelerated by COVID, is at the origin of new transport strategies, facilitating mobility and making teleworking possible. Qualitative interviews were conducted with 15 female participants, belonging to a homogeneous social group in appearance. Their (im)mobility strategies were analysed. The results demonstrate that the evolution of commuting practices is closely related to comfort and the adoption of digital solutions. It argues that diverse strategies were adopted within the sample. However, considered as a constraint, commuting seems commonly avoided, privileging teleworking when possible. Therefore, we conclude with the adoption of new (im)mobility strategies that result in teleworking, and in using applications to order transport and commute.

27/01/2023 : “There be Sufis ; Fatehpur Sikri and the building of Hindustan” by Raffaello DE LEON-JONES DIANI (Paris – EHESS).

Summary : The curious traveller visiting India is almost bound to gaze upon the glorious remains of one of the most important sites in Indian history, and certainly one of the most beauteous monumental complexes in the world: Fatehpur Sikri, the erstwhile capital of the Mughal padishah Akbar. The beams and rooves of the buildings therein, mimicking the moveable tent capitals typical of the Timurid heritage are now often presented as a mingling of different strands of architecture : Hindu, Muslim and Jain. This popular understanding of the monument serves largely to satisfy a modern narrative that is offered up to the tourist, but echoes a lively debate around the heritage of India. In a day and age where the so-called Muslim heritage of India is by some seen as foreign to her national history, our presentation will look at a Sanskrit description of the city, found in Padmasāgara’s Jagadgurukāvya, and try to highlight the role Fatehpur Sikri had in Akbar’s sedimentation of Empire and rule.

03/03/2023 : “Ecofeminism and ecological nationalism in contemporary India” by Julie Ucendo (ED 395 – LAVUE) ; discutant : Jean-Marc de Grave (IrAsia).

Summary : Environmental crisis has doubtless become the major challenge of the century. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have in response identified spheres of action, but implementation of solutions remains a significant obstacle. This presentation will focus on the SDG-5 related to gender equality from the perspective of both ecofeminism and ecologism in contemporary India. It aims to provide a better understanding of gender inequalities in access to natural resources, but also to draw attention to potential risks of redefinition of ecologism. To do so, we will explore how Indian ecofeminism has contributed to promote a nationalist vision of the relationship between women, men, and nature. We will therefore attempt to propose a definition of what we call “ecological nationalism” through an ecofeminist perspective, while questioning the relevance of this concept itself.

Publication of the Report for the AJEI 22nd International Workshop

On the 21-23rd April 2022, the AJEI organised its 22nd International Workshop in a hybrid format between India and France. Master and PhD Students discussed categories and categorisation through empirical observations and case studies, elaborating on methodological and theoretical reflections.
Please find the report here :
AJEI 22nd International Workshop – Report 

As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorisation is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any cases, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.

This conference invites social scientists who are engaging with categories in their research to reflect on the manners in which they use them. In their research, they may trace the origin and evolution of categories. They may also use existing categories and develop a critical stand, or develop new ones as analytical tools. Therefore, different sets of questions arise from the encounter of researchers with categories or categorisation in their field:

➡ How do categories emerge? How are they institutionalised, mobilised, appropriated, and by whom? What are the implications or effects of categories in terms of resources, boundaries, representations or power relationships?

➡ When we researchers use categories as analytical or methodological tools: what are the benefits and/or limits of using categories in our analysis? What are the normative implications of using categories as researchers in social sciences? What theoretical frameworks inform the process of categorisation?

The Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes would like to thank again the Organising Committee for making this 22nd International Workshop possible.

The Organising Committee

  • ●  Kiran BHATTY, Senior visiting fellow CPR (Delhi) & PhD scholar, Political Science, EHESS-CEIAS (Paris)

  • ●  Roma CASAMITJANA, PhD scholar, Political Science, University of Milan

  • ●  Lola CINDRIC, PhD scholar, Social Anthropology & Ethnology, EHESS-CEIAS (Paris)

  • ●  José EGAS, PhD scholar, Anthropology & Sociology, EHESS-CEIAS (Paris)

  • ●  Cansu GURKAYA, PhD scholar, Sociology, EHESS-CEIAS (Paris)

  • ●  Hugo RIBADEAU DUMAS, PhD scholar, Urban Studies,EHESS-CEIAS(Paris) & CSH-CNRS (Delhi)

  • ●  Vishnu TANDON, PhD scholar, Political Science, EHESS-CEIAS (Paris)

    AJEI 22nd Workshop – Report

The use of social networks in rural South India – Cécile Mouchel – India Matters Webinar, Tuesday 7th June 1pm CET / 5:30 PM IST

The Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes (AJEI) is pleased to invite you to its next presentation in the webinar series India Matters
Cécile Mouchel (Centre d’Etude des Mondes Africains, Asiatiques et Américains-Université Paris Cité) will examine how rural populations in India have mobilized their social networks in times of forced “social distancing”. Focusing on a rural region in Tamil Nadu, mixing Social Network Analysis (SNA), descriptive statistics and qualitative interviews conducted before the lockdown, during the lockdown and its aftermath, this presentation shows that kinship ties and caste-based relationships are still used as inescapable economic resources, especially when it comes to survive in this unprecedented worldwide economic and social crisis. The region under study has undergone profound changes in recent decades, combining the disappearance of agrarian forms of dependency and the strengthening of intra-caste interdependence among the lower caste group with a focus on access to credit and self-help to access employment. The crisis put these social networks to the test. Subsidized food, the main pro poor measure of the Indian government, prevented famine, even if it did not prevent severe malnutrition. Although kin and caste solidarity played a key role in helping households to survive, they did not prevent the resurgence of old forms of patronage.
The discussant for this session will be Frédéric Landy (Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense, Institut Français de Pondichéry).

The session will take place on Zoom 7th June, 1:00 pm CET/ 5:30 pm IST.  :
Add our Google Calendar for more information : 

PhD scholarship & post-doc position in social science – csh, new delhi

The Centre de Sciences Humaines, New Delhi invites applications for a Phd Student Scholarship and a Post-Doc position in social science. Please visit the links below for more details

PhD Student Scholarship in Social Sciences –

Post-doc position in Social Sciences

workshop: Engaging with categories in south asia-Process, challenges, and implications – 21 to 23 April

The AJEI is happy to announce the 22nd edition of the AJEI International Workshop! This year the Masters-PhD workshop brings together scholars from India and France to engage with Categories in research. The workshop is supported by Centre for Policy Research, CEIAS-EHESS Centre de Sciences Humaines, Institut Français de Pondichéry, and GIS Asie.

As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorisation is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any cases, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.

This conference invites social scientists who are engaging with categories in their research to reflect on the manners in which they use them. In their research, they may trace the origin and evolution of categories. They may also use existing categories and develop a critical stand, or develop new ones as analytical tools. Therefore, different sets of questions arise from the encounter of researchers with categories or categorisation in their field:

➡ How do categories emerge? How are they institutionalised, mobilised, appropriated, and by whom? What are the implications or effects of categories in terms of resources, boundaries, representations or power relationships?

➡ When we researchers use categories as analytical or methodological tools: what are the benefits and/or limits of using categories in our analysis? What are the normative implications of using categories as researchers in social sciences? What theoretical frameworks inform the process of categorisation?



This year’s workshop is organized in a hybrid format between India and France. Master and PhD Students will discuss categories and categorisation through empirical observations and case studies, elaborating on methodological and theoretical reflections. Each panel will be followed by 35-40 minutes of discussions animated by senior researchers. 


21 to 23 April 2022, 1:30 pm IST (Delhi) / 10:00 am CEST (Paris)

Audience can participate online or in-person (only in Paris). Details will be sent to registered attendees. To register, please fill this form. 
For any queries, please write to

Bourse AJEI pour l’Apprentissage d’une Langue Indienne

Bourse AJEI pour l’Apprentissage d’une Langue Indienne

L’Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes offre une bourse de langue spéciale de 30 heures aux étudiants en master et en doctorat pour apprendre une langue indienne. Celle-ci vise à offrir les compétences et acquis linguistiques de base nécessaires pour poursuivre leur travail de terrain dans les meilleures conditions possibles.

Les étudiants seront invités à proposer à l’AJEI leur préférence pour une école de langue ou un professeur en particulier. Dans le cas contraire, l’Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes à travers son réseau proposera les écoles de langues approuvées et validées par nos propres membres, et que nous considérons de qualité suffisante pour l’enseignement d’une langue indienne.

Date limite 10 Mars 2022 ! Merci de postuler via le lien suivant :

Si vous n’êtes pas encore membre de l’AJEI, vous pouvez adhérer en cliquant sur le lien suivant :

AJEI Scholarship to learn an Indian Language

The Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes is offering a special 30 hours language scholarship for Master and PhD Students to learn an Indian language. This aims at offering the basic language skills necessary to pursue their fieldwork in the best conditions possible.
Students will be asked to provide an option for a language school or teacher. Otherwise, the Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes through its network will offer its preferred language schools, approved and validated by our own members.

Deadline 10th of March 2022 ! Please apply through the following link :

If you are not yet a member of AJEI, you can join by clicking on the following link:



The Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes (AJEI) is pleased to invite you to the second session of its 2022 webinar series India Matters.

On February 8thDaphné Reguiessé, Independent Researcher (PhD, Iuav University of Venice), will present “Trails of an Indian Community in Padova: Chasing the invisible migration of Indian students (re)shaping spaces in this Italian medium city”
This presentation shows the link between migration and urban transformation in terms of urban policies and social practices within a specific local territory: the city of Padova (North East Italy). 
Daphné Reguiessé will particularly focus on the question of Indian students-migrants in Padova through different angles -generally difficult to tie- while keeping a strong sociological base.
The session will be followed by a discussion by Andrea Drocco (Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) and a QnA session.

The sessions will take place on Zoom 08th February, 1:00 pm CET/ 5:30 pm IST.
Please register at this link:

The 2022 AJEI India Matters webinar series will run from January to July.

12 January – Understanding Caste among Muslims – India Matters Webinar 2022

The Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes (AJEI) is pleased to invite you to its 2022 webinar series India Matters.

On January 12thJulien Levesque will inaugurate this year’s webinar series with the presentation « Understanding Caste among Muslims: Classic Debates and New Scholarly Developments »

From colonial census administrators to social scientists, scholars have debated whether Muslims in the subcontinent can be said to have castes. In recent decades, the discussion also entered the political arena over the issue of reservations in India. This presentation will first sum up the key historical moments of the scholarly debates on Muslim caste since colonial times. The speaker will then turn to more contemporary scholarship to highlight its contribution and the avenues it opens for further research.

The sessions will take place on Zoom 12th January, 1:00 pm CET/ 5:30 pm IST. The presentation will be followed by a QnA.

No registration necessary. Link to join :

ID de réunion : 883 5678 2804

Code secret : 944169

The 2022 AJEI India Matters webinar series will run from January to July. A full schedule of speakers will be available shortly. 

Call for Papers – 2022 ajei international workshop

The AJEI is pleased to announce the 22nd AJEI International Workshop for Masters and PhD students to be held 21 to 23 April 2022

As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorisation is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes.

This conference invites social scientists who are engaging with categories in their research to reflect on the manners in which they use them. In their work, researchers may trace the origin and evolution of categories. They may also use existing categories and develop a critical stand, or develop new ones as analytical tools.

The objective of the event is to promote dialogue between young researchers involved in the field of South Asian studies. The workshop will offer graduate students (Master & PhD) a platform to present their research work. The sessions will be hosted jointly at the CEIAS, EHESS in Paris and CPR in New Delhi.

The full call for papers is available here

Abstracts in English, from 300 to 500 words maximum, are expected by the 20th January 2022.
Please mention name and surname of the applicant, position and institutional affiliation, current location (country and city).
Sent to:

  • Successful applicants will be notified by 7th February 2022.
  •  Final papers of 8,000 words maximum should be submitted by 1st April 2022.

The workshop is supported by the following partners



appel à L’organisation \ Call for Organization – AJEI Atelier\workshop 2022

22e  édition de l’atelier AJEI

L’Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes est heureuse d’ouvrir un appel à l’organisation de l’Atelier International AJEI 2022. Nous invitons des équipes de doctorants et/ou de post-doctorants d’universités françaises et/ou indiennes à organiser l’atelier, qui sera programmé pour le printemps-été 2022. L’atelier sera organisé avec un institut partenaire indien et vise à la participation d’étudiants en Master et de doctorants en France et en Inde qui développent leurs recherches dans les disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales sur des thèmes liés aux études sud-asiatiques. Les participants bénéficieront des conseils de chercheurs expérimentés et reconnus dans diverses disciplines, du soutien d’un groupe d’universitaires, ainsi que des réseaux et des ressources de l’AJEI.

Nous invitons les propositions d’ateliers à prendre en compte les possibles changements et imprévus liés à la pandémie. Nous souhaiterions que les candidatures imaginent de nouvelles formes d’ateliers hybrides (ex: des sessions parallèles entre l’Inde et la France), qu’elles proposent des ateliers et approches multi-disciplinaires (voir les détails de l’atelier précédent ci-dessous) et qu’elles suggèrent de nouveaux cadres méthodologiques et thématiques. Nous recommandons également des formats qui combinent des conférenciers dans le style “keynote”, des ateliers ciblés pour les jeunes chercheurs où ils peuvent présenter et obtenir des commentaires pour leur travail,et des activités culturelles comme des projections de films. Ce sont quelques recommandations de l’AJEI, et nous laissons les détails de l’événement à l’initiative de l’équipe organisatrice.

L’équipe organisatrice sera demandée

  • D’organiser les appels à communications et de sélectionner les participants
  • Inviter des personnes-ressources de haut niveau pour des conférences, discussions etc.
  • Organiser une collecte de fond  
  • Organiser la logistique 

L’AJEI aidera à 

  • Connexion avec les universités et les institutions indiennes et françaises.
  • Communiquer avec des personnes-ressources de haut niveau.
  • Fournir un certain soutien financier.
  • Les membres du conseil d’administration de l’AJEI se coordonneront avec l’équipe si nécessaire.

Les demandes doivent inclure :

  • Une liste des membres de l’équipe ayant un poste actuel et une affiliation institutionnelle (minimum 2 organisateurs).
  • Un thème possible et une description de l’atelier, avec des sous-thèmes et des sessions possibles (2 pages).
  • Une liste des personnes-ressources possibles que vous souhaitez inviter.
  • Une liste des institutions Français\indiennes possibles qui accueilleront l’événement. 

Les détails des ateliers passés sont disponibles à titre de référence sur ce site :

La date limite pour les candidatures est le 20  novembre 2021, et l’événement devrait être organisé avant avril 2022. Veuillez envoyer un seul mot ou fichier pdf en tant que demande à N’hésitez pas à nous envoyer un courriel pour toute demande d’information.

Call for Organizers – 22nd Edition of the AJEI Workshop

The Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes / Youth Association for Indian Studies is happy to open the call for organization of the 2022 AJEI International Workshop. We invite teams of PhD students and\or Postdoc scholars from French and\or Indian Universities to organize the workshop, which will be scheduled for Spring-Summer 2022. The workshop will be hosted with an Indian partner institute and is aimed at participation from Masters and early PhD scholars in France and India who are developing their research in human and social science disciplines on themes in Indian\South Asian studies. Attendees benefit from the guidance of senior researchers in various disciplines, and an academic peer-group, along with the AJEI’s networks and resources.

We invite workshop suggestions that account for changes in travel and academic work due to the pandemic. We would like applications to imagine new forms of hybridization (e.g. parallel sessions between India and France), have scope for multiple disciplines (see past workshop details below), and suggest new methodological and thematic frameworks. We also recommend formats that combine conference style keynote speakers, targeted workshops for young researchers where they can present and get feedback for their work, and cultural activities like film screenings. These are recommendations by the AJEI, and the specifics for the event will be up to the organizing team.

The organizing team is expected to

  • Invite call for papers and select participants
  • Invite senior resource persons for keynotes, discussions etc
  • Do some fund-raising 
  • Organize logistics 

The AJEI will assist in 

  • Connecting with Indian and French universities and institutions.
  • Connecting with senior resource persons.
  • Providing some financial support.
  • AJEI board members will coordinate with the team as necessary.

Applications should include

  • A list of team members with current position and institutional affiliation (minimum 2 organizers).
  • A possible theme and description for the workshop, with possible subthemes and sessions
    (2 page).
  • A list of possible resource persons you wish to invite.
  • A list of possible French\Indian institutions that will host the event. 

Past workshop details are available as a reference at this site:

The deadline for applications is 20th November 2021, and the event is expected to be organized before April 2022. 

Please send a single word or pdf file as an application to Please do not hesitate to mail us for any clarifications.