Category Archives: Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs

Workshop “Knowledge production, ethics and reflexivity”

Organiser : Johan Krieg, Daphné Reguiessé, Spoorthi Gangadikar, Shajeem Muhammed Fazal and Pratiti Roy.

The AJEI is happy to announce that the 23nd edition of the AJEI International Workshop took place from Tuesday, March 5, 2024, to Thursday, March 7, 2024, in Bhopal.The Association of Young Indian Studies (AJEI) is pleased to have co-organized a three-day workshop on Humanities and Social Sciences in collaboration with the Alliance Française de Bhopal and the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences at IISER Bhopal, with support from the Centre de Sciences Humaines (CSH Delhi) and GIS Asie. As suggested by the title Knowledge Production, Ethics, and Reflexivity in South Asia, the workshop investigated methodological aspects applied in social sciences research, which included (but were not limited to) knowledge production, ethical concerns, fieldwork, and the researcher’s reflexive approach to dealing with fieldwork, writing, and the crises that emerged from fieldwork and writing.
The workshop was chaired by Drs. Renny Thomas and Anuparna Mukherjee (Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IISER Bhopal) in collaboration with Dr. Ingrid Le Gargasson (Director, AF Bhopal). It was organized by AJEI (Johan Krieg, Daphné Reguiessé & & Spoorthi Gangadikar)and IISER Ph.D. scholars (Shajeem Muhammed Fazal & Pratiti Roy).

Programme en ligne :

workshop: Engaging with categories in south asia-Process, challenges, and implications – 21 to 23 April

The AJEI is happy to announce the 22nd edition of the AJEI International Workshop! This year the Masters-PhD workshop brings together scholars from India and France to engage with Categories in research. The workshop is supported by Centre for Policy Research, CEIAS-EHESS Centre de Sciences Humaines, Institut Français de Pondichéry, and GIS Asie.

As researchers in social sciences, we are constantly confronting categories. While categorisation is an inevitable process, the division and classification of the social world is not neutral. It entails choices and has implications. Some of these choices may be determined by institutions, others informally emerge within society, and still others are made by researchers for analytical purposes. In any cases, categorisation can leave a lasting imprint on social and political structures, as in the South Asian context.

This conference invites social scientists who are engaging with categories in their research to reflect on the manners in which they use them. In their research, they may trace the origin and evolution of categories. They may also use existing categories and develop a critical stand, or develop new ones as analytical tools. Therefore, different sets of questions arise from the encounter of researchers with categories or categorisation in their field:

➡ How do categories emerge? How are they institutionalised, mobilised, appropriated, and by whom? What are the implications or effects of categories in terms of resources, boundaries, representations or power relationships?

➡ When we researchers use categories as analytical or methodological tools: what are the benefits and/or limits of using categories in our analysis? What are the normative implications of using categories as researchers in social sciences? What theoretical frameworks inform the process of categorisation?



This year’s workshop is organized in a hybrid format between India and France. Master and PhD Students will discuss categories and categorisation through empirical observations and case studies, elaborating on methodological and theoretical reflections. Each panel will be followed by 35-40 minutes of discussions animated by senior researchers. 


21 to 23 April 2022, 1:30 pm IST (Delhi) / 10:00 am CEST (Paris)

Audience can participate online or in-person (only in Paris). Details will be sent to registered attendees. To register, please fill this form. 
For any queries, please write to

AJEI 20th Workshop – 19, 20, 21 March 2018 – Program

20th International Workshop of AJEI

March 19th- 20th- 21st 2018

Jawaharlal-Nehru University (JNU)

Image(s) Of IndiaTélécharger le programme

The “Association des Jeunes Etudes Indiennes” (AJEI) is a student organization whose members are young researchers coming from various disciplines of the Humanities and Social Sciences (from master’s degree to postdoctoral level) whose area of research is South Asia. Since 1998 the AJEI has been organizing a research seminar in France and a French-Indian workshops yearly in India with the support of international and local partners. One of our goals is also to interact informally, and build relationships, with a view to creating a strong international network of researchers. Drawing from the transversal thematic of Images, this year we propose a three-day workshop with an opening lecture, daily presentations discussed by senior researchers, methodological workshops, and a concluding session. Every year, a research seminar in France and a workshop in India bring students and scholars together in order to discuss the topics and papers presented.

What do we picture when we evoke India? For its 20th annual Workshop, AJEI invites young researchers to share their knowledge and to propose a critical approach of the concept of ‘Images’ in the subcontinent: To what extent do images reflect the many realities and representations of India and how does the Indian imagery affect scholarly, artistic and touristic as well as political perceptions, from a western and an Indian point of view? The Workshop is aimed to develop a cross-disciplinary dialogue in social sciences for a better understanding of the multiple roles that Images have been playing from antiquity to nowadays in the perceptions and the foundations of culture and identities in Indian society. The aim is also to open some reflexive discussions on the use and construction of images.


Le bilan des 18èmes ateliers de l’AJEI « Des inégalités en Inde contemporaine » et organisés à l’Institut Français de Pondichéry du 29 au 31 mars 2016 sont en ligne.

L’AJEI souhaite remercier l’équipe organisatrice composée de Floriane Bolazzi, Soraya Hamache, Nithya Joseph et Sébastien Michiels ; ainsi que nos partenaires : l’Institut Français de Pondichéry (IFP), le Centre de Sciences Sociales et Humaines (CSH) à New Delhi, l’Institut Français et l’Ambassade de France en Inde, le Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud à Paris (CEIAS) ; le Centre d’études en sciences sociales sur les mondes africains, américains et asiatiques (CESSMA) ; le Laboratoire Architecture, Ville, Urbanisme, Environnement (LAVUE), le Groupe de Recherche en Économie Théorique et Appliquée (GREThA) ; et bien sûr l’ensemble des intervenants et participants.

[Télécharger le rapport]

Invitation to the 19th AJEI workshop on “Commons in Contemporary South Asia”

Invitation to the 19th AJEI workshop on
“Commons in Contemporary South Asia”

[Download the pdf program]

The organizational team of the 19th workshop of the Association des Jeunes Etudes Indianistes is pleased to inform you that this edition will be held in Krishnadas Shama Goa State Central Library, Goa (India) from 3rd to 5th of April 2017. Continue reading Invitation to the 19th AJEI workshop on “Commons in Contemporary South Asia”

Appel à communications pour les Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs 2017

cfp_2017[Télécharger l’appel à communications]

The « Association Jeunes Etudes Indiennes » is pleased to announce that the 19th workshop for young scholars will take place at Goa, India, April 3-5 2017.

This year the workshop will be held on « Commons in South Asia today ».

Please, find enclosed the call for papers. The deadline for abstract submission has been extended to January 16th 2017.

Interested researchers must send an abstract (500 to 1 000 words) in English before January 16th 2017 to the following address:

Continue reading Appel à communications pour les Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs 2017

Ateliers Jeunes Chercheurs 2016 : appel à communications

Bonjour à tous,

L’Association Jeunes Études Indiennes (AJEI) est heureuse de vous annoncer que les prochains ateliers jeunes chercheurs auront lieu à Pondicherry en Inde, du 29 au 31 mars 2016.

Le thème retenu pour l’édition 2016 est “Des inégalités en Inde contemporaine”.

Vous trouverez l’appel à communications (en anglais) en pièce jointe. Les propositions de communications devront nous parvenir avant le 4 janvier 2016, à l’adresse suivante :

Image[Télécharger l’appel à communications]

Ces ateliers sont organisés par Floriane Bolazzi (Université Paris 7-Paris Diderot, CESSMA, CSH Delhi,, Soraya Hamache (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne, CEIAS, CSH Delhi,, Nithya Joseph (EHESS, IFP, et Sébastien Michiels (Université de Bordeaux – GREThA, IFP,


Le bilan des 17èmes ateliers de l’AJEI portant sur “Le Genre : politique, travail, droit, développement” et organisés à Varanasi du 9 au 12 mars 2015 sont en ligne.

L’ AJEI  souhaite vivement remercier les deux organisateurs, Adrien Bouzard et Fabien Provost ; ainsi que nos partenaires, le département d’histoire de la faculté de sciences sociales à la Banaras Hindu University ; le Centre de Sciences Sociales et Humaines à New Delhi ; l’Institut Français de Pondicherry ; l’Institut Français  et l’Ambassade de France en Inde ; le Centre d’Études de l’Inde et de l’Asie du Sud à Paris ; le Laboratoire d’Ethnologie et de Sociologie Comparative de l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense ; et bien sûr l’ensemble des intervenants et participants.



Programme provisoire des 17èmes Ateliers jeunes chercheurs de l’AJEI autour du «  genre : politique, travail, droit, développement »

du 9 au 12 mars 2015 à Vârânasî


Adrien Bouzard (Université Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense, LESC, CEIAS)

Fabien Provost (Université Paris Ouest – Nanterre La Défense, LESC, CEIAS)

Nous privilégions cette année la dimension participative des ateliers, autour de vos sujets de recherche, mais aussi de vos compétences techniques et méthodologiques: tous les après-midi seront consacrés à des ateliers en petits groupes. Cette semaine d’ateliers est un grand moment de convivialité et de partage, nous vous invitons donc à profiter de l’ensemble des journées et des soirées avec nous. Nous vous rappelons que l’association prend en charge le logement et la restauration, et les billets de train vous seront remboursés sur la base d’un ticket 3rd AC.

La fiche d’inscription doit être renvoyée aux organisateurs:

Programme AJEI Ateliers 2015

