Tag Archives: mobilisation

Emopolis – Mobilizing Emotions: The Indian Case – 20/01/14

20 janvier 2014 | 9h30 à 17h

Le France, 190 avenue de France 75013 Paris, salle 638

9h30-12h30: CONFERENCE

Claude MARKOVITS (CEIAS/CNRS), “Looking for emotions in the ‘Great Calcutta Killing’, 1946”.
Discussant: Margrit Pernau (CHE, Berlin)

Christophe JAFFRELOT (CERI/CNRS) “Narendra Modi’s political repertoire: The body language of political mobilizations”
Discussant: Denis-Constant Martin (LAM-Les Afriques dans le Monde, IEP de Bordeaux)


Amélie BLOM (CEIAS/CNRS) “The affectual variable in the theory of social movements”

Martin ARANGUREN (CEMS/EHESS) “Studying emotions in public places: Thoughts on a year-long seminar”